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Hello! Welcome to my simple food blog. As the name implies, this blog is solely served as my repository on food. Desserts, home-made cooking, reviews both raves and rants, recipes, or whatever that I encounter :). Hope you enjoy your stay :) and if you feel like it or tried the recipe, do comment on it. Comments are loved ;).

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chicken Ball Porridge

It's been a very long time since the last time I made this chicken porridge and I usually only make this when I'm sick or my tummy is not up for the regular food intake. And, having the wonderful Zojirushi (elephant brand) rice cooker aka rice cooker which can cook not only rice but also porridge, mixed rice and even steam and make cakes makes it even easier to cook this dish. I don't need to control the fire or worry that the porridge will burn on the bottom of my pan if I don't stir it. So, just how easy to make this porridge?

What you need:
1 cup of rice
400 ml chicken stock
Water - as you need
Ginseng - as you need
Chicken balls:
250 gr minced chicken
15 gr corn flour
seasoning: pepper and salt

How to:
1. Cook rice the same way as you usually do, just add the chicken stock first then top up with water to get to the porridge measurement in your rice cooker bowl (this is why I like my rice cooker, no brain needed). Set it to porridge and cook.
2. In a bowl, mix all the chicken bowl ingredients until well mixed.
3. After about 15 minutes cooking, open the rice cooker lid and with 2 spoons, start making chicken balls and put them in. Then add ginseng.

- You can use 100% chicken broth instead of mix it with water. I use canned chicken stock so I have to add water to dilute the sodium content in it
- You can sub the minced chicken with minced pork or mix pork and chicken 50-50
- You can add green onion as topping, it'll make a great presentation
- For side dish, you can make sweet soya sauce scrambled egg (my fave), or add some pickled radish or even the pickled tofu (I used to like this, but guess not anymore now)

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