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Hello! Welcome to my simple food blog. As the name implies, this blog is solely served as my repository on food. Desserts, home-made cooking, reviews both raves and rants, recipes, or whatever that I encounter :). Hope you enjoy your stay :) and if you feel like it or tried the recipe, do comment on it. Comments are loved ;).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Savoury Muffin ~ Ham, Cheese and Red Peppers

I've been wanting to make this savoury muffins. Basically what you did is change the fillings with savoury items, such as sausages, cheese, tomatoes and so on. This time I use ham, cheese and colourful baby peppers (I choose yellow, red and orange peppers). For the cheese, I want to experiment with the Provene cheese. It tastes nice, with the texture of cheddar but not too salty, more similar to Danish Mozerella. Just nice as I don't like salty cheese. The ham? I use honey chicken ham (the supermarket under my office currently doesn't have the honey-baked ham, so chicken it is). Initially I want to use tomatoes, but I find it too troublesome, must take out the seeds and water as they're not good for the batter.
As you see in the pic, it looks... heavenly... imagine it hot and fluffy just come out from the oven... yumm....

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Chocolate Cranberry Muffin

Just made it. Smells heavenly with the chocolate scent and taste delightful with the tanginess of cranberries.
What you need to do is change 20gr of flour from your fave muffin recipe with choco powder and add dried cranberries. Another combination for you to explore :).