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Hello! Welcome to my simple food blog. As the name implies, this blog is solely served as my repository on food. Desserts, home-made cooking, reviews both raves and rants, recipes, or whatever that I encounter :). Hope you enjoy your stay :) and if you feel like it or tried the recipe, do comment on it. Comments are loved ;).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Baked butternut squash w/ Lettuce Salad

I need to loose some kgs if I want to go Japan in jeans and it's still freaking cold there so not much choice left, gotta start 'merumput' again. For those who are curious, 'merumput' means grassing ala cows, so yeah, you know what I mean, salads. So now I'm going back to the salad journey. And oh, this recipe is perfect for those who hate washing... It consists of 3 parts, but, no it's not difficult, all you need is a knife, chopping board, tuppleware, aluminum foil and baking sheet


Baked pumpkin w/ walnut:
1/2 butternut squash - peeled, sliced to bite size
1/2 cup walnut - cut to bite size it they come in big pieces
2 tbsp honey
3 tbsp olive oil
Pepper, salt, basil

Chicken/pork patties:
250gr minced chicken
250gr minced pork
1 red pepper - burned, filmed, peeled and cut small dices
1 bunch cilantro - chopped
1 egg
1 tbsp honey
pepper, basil, salt

Cubed eggs:
4 eggs
20ml water
1 tbsp olive oil
pepper, balsamic vinegar

1 bunch of lettuce for 3 ppl serving (any green leafy lettuce is fine, but I like those bitter ones like butterhead lettuce), cut to bite size

How to:
1. Preheat oven to 190C. Layer your baking sheet w/ aluminum foil. If you like to wash your baking sheet, you don't need to use aluminum foil.
2. Baked pumpkin: In a bowl, mix well all ingredient and spread it over the baking sheet. Bake it for about 15 minutes or until the pumpkin is soft enough to bite.
3. Patties: In the same bowl used for the baked pumpkin, mix well all ingredients. By the time u done this, your pumpkin should be ready, and off it goes to the tuppleware. And now we have an empty baking sheets, it's time to go back to our patties. Using 2 spoons, scoop big limp of the mixture and keep twisting the spoon until you have a smooth meat ball, lay it on baking sheet and press it to about 1cm thick patties. Repeat the process and bake it for about 15-20 minutes (check whether it's done after the minute 15).
4. Cubed eggs: on a microwave-proof tuppleware, whisk all ingredient well and heat it high for 3 minutes. It'll come out like a puffy ugly looking thing, but it'll release the heat and self deflated and cut cube

Presentation: on a bowl, lay lettuce first then add in cubed patties, eggs and the pumpkin, and you'll have your salad :)

If your interpretation of salad is 'Salad is no salad w/o dressings', just top it off with Balsamic Vinegar dressing (balsamic vinegar + olive oil + salt + pepper)..

Storage: Do store all toppings and lettuce in separate container for longer shelf live in the fridge.

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