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Hello! Welcome to my simple food blog. As the name implies, this blog is solely served as my repository on food. Desserts, home-made cooking, reviews both raves and rants, recipes, or whatever that I encounter :). Hope you enjoy your stay :) and if you feel like it or tried the recipe, do comment on it. Comments are loved ;).

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Healthy "Gratin"

I'm inspired to make potato gratin with bunashimeji mushroom after I ate mushroom bread 2 days ago. The bread topping is bunashimeji mushroom mixed with potato and topped with cheese (am pretty sure there's some mayo mixed in there too). The topping tasted like gratin and I've been having some since then. BUT, there's only 1 problem... I have to loose weight (nuoooooo...) and gratin is a very sinful dish with lots of cream and cheese. So, this is where the experiment begins. I still want to eat my gratin, but I need to find healthier alternative. So, that left me with 1 choice, soy milk custard. Doable? Definitely because to me, anything milky plus egg is custard. It definitely won't be creamy fantastic like the original gratin, but so long it tastes good, I'm in, plus you won't feel guilty.

Yield: 12" ramekin

What you need:
500 gr potatoes, sliced round (scallop potatoes cut)
1 bunch parsley, chopped, leave some not chopped for topping
bread crumbs (I made my own, blender some baguette croutons)
2 packs bunashimeji mushroom, cut the root and separate
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 tbsp dried chili (optional)
1L soy milk
3 no eggs (3 eggs will make soft custard, 4 eggs will firm it up)
seasoning: salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg (optional)

How to:
1. Preheat oven to 170C
2. On a bowl, mix all custard ingredients until all well mixed and frothy. Set aside.
3. On a wok, stir fry dried chili and onion, until the onion is quite soft, then add in the mushroom. Cook until mushroom is half cooked. Set aside.
4. On the ramekin, place in order, potatoes, mushrooms, parsley, bread crumbs, repeat until the ramekin is filled.
5. Pour in the custard mix until you see that the ingredients are well soaked (don't over pour)
6. Bake for about 40-60 minutes (it takes quite long to bake soy milk custard, especially the soft custard mix, the firmer custard mix should bake faster)

1. Definitely must try this with milk, cheese and cream plus mayo for topping.
2. Stir frying the mushroom with dried chili will reduce the smell and I use parsley to further reduce it down (another function of parsely aside from making your dish pretty)
3. Try with different type potatoes (I mix Russettes and red potatoes because they're on sale :p but must definitely try with Yukon Gold)


PS: This is as far as I'll compromise, there's no way I'll trade my cheesecakes with tofu cheesecakes... euuwww...

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