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Hello! Welcome to my simple food blog. As the name implies, this blog is solely served as my repository on food. Desserts, home-made cooking, reviews both raves and rants, recipes, or whatever that I encounter :). Hope you enjoy your stay :) and if you feel like it or tried the recipe, do comment on it. Comments are loved ;).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Simple Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin soup is really easy to make, but it's labour intensive, unless you have a maid. This time, the soup has no seasoning, no salt, no pepper, no sugar, at most it's herbs. Healthy enough?

250 gr pumpkin - cut to pieces
250 gr butternut squash - cut to pieces
1 no big onion - diced
700 ml chicken stock (have 1L ready, to be safe)
100 ml cream

How to:
1. Caramelized onion with olive oil in the pan (I use grapeseed oil now - less fat than EVOO). Caramelized doesn't equal to burnt, always use low fire. I didn't fully caramelize the onion because it'll take ages (about 1 hour or so at least), but just enough until it's browning and the fragrant comes out.
2. Add in the pumpkins and chicken stock, bring to boil.
3. When the pumpkin are mushy enough, mesh it with potato mesher (hand blender will come in handy). Then pour the soup to strainer. This is when the labour intensive comes especially if your have a very fine strainer.
4. Pour back the strained soup into the pan and bring to boil again.
5. Add in cream.
6. If the soup is to thick to your liking, add more chicken stock to thin it. Alternatively, add more cream.
7. If you feel the soup is not tasty enough, then you have no choice but to add on salt, but for me, this is just nice :)

Serving: Pour the soup into the bowl, add sour cream or thick cream and top it with herbs.

* Courtesy from Vero: substitute butternut squash with sweet potato and add parmesan cheese
* If you have maid, use the old style chicken stock (boil water + chicken bones). I'm using the ready-made organic chicken stock with less sodium.

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