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Hello! Welcome to my simple food blog. As the name implies, this blog is solely served as my repository on food. Desserts, home-made cooking, reviews both raves and rants, recipes, or whatever that I encounter :). Hope you enjoy your stay :) and if you feel like it or tried the recipe, do comment on it. Comments are loved ;).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Banana Pancake

My instant noodle supply is gone. Basically I got nothing to eat at home, but I have lots of kinds of flour, sugar, etc (my baking supply). The key word is: Hunger. So, I modify the recipe from to cater to my lazziness and voilla, a banana pancake is now residing in my tummy.

1 banana, mashed
1 cup plain flour
1/8 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk

How to:
1. Shieve flour, baking powder, baking soda in the mixing bowl
2. Add in the rest of ingredients, and whip gently with a whisk (when I say effortless, you don't even need to use much stregth to whisk, just gently enough)
3. Once mix well, leave it in the refridgerator, while you heat up your flat pan. If you use the stainless steel pan, put some butter on it so that later the pancakes won't stick. I like non-stick pan, it doesn't need butter so cut off some fats. Once the pan is heated enough, lower the heat to the smallest, and laddle the pancake mixture to your liking. Cook each side for about 30 sec (in my case) or until each reach golden brown color (see picture).
** mixture is enough to cook about 12 McDonald pancake size.

Presentation: There's lots of options to present your pancake, but I'd go with what I have in my fridge. What I did is just stack up 3 pancakes, drizzle some honey, chocolate sauce and Vanilla sauce. And lastly dust it with icing sugar.

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