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Hello! Welcome to my simple food blog. As the name implies, this blog is solely served as my repository on food. Desserts, home-made cooking, reviews both raves and rants, recipes, or whatever that I encounter :). Hope you enjoy your stay :) and if you feel like it or tried the recipe, do comment on it. Comments are loved ;).

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My First Mochi

When you want to do an experiment, Daisho is the good place to go, they have the packs of mochi mix, dango mix and other Japanese sweets ingredients and they're all at 2SGD. So, it won't really hurt if you fail LOL...

So, how does it fare? For first try, I think it's not bad, it's not as elastic as the usual mochi (because I didn't put lots of oil) but it's quite soft which is quite important because I won't eat them if they're hard to eat. It'll be more delicious if I use the home made red bean paste (made that before, it's a labor of love, sob)

What you need:
230 gr non glutenous rice flour
200 ml warm water
100 ml oil - set aside
100 gr red bean paste
100 gr soya powder

How to:
1. In a bowl, combine flour and water, mic with hand until well combined and you can tear the dough
2. Tear the dough to big balls and place them on damp cloth, cover them and steam for 20-25 minutes
3. Take out the dough along with the cloth and start knead them and tap some oil to make it easier to handle.  If you happen to have the big pounding stone bowl (along with the pounder), then you can use that, but I find that kneading do the job faster for making small batch. Keep kneading until dough become smooth and quite shiny.
4. Tear small piece of the dough, with small roller (if you have, if not big one also can do) roll it flat. Take 1 tsp of red been paste, place it on center then seal the dough and make it into a ball. Roll the ball into the soya powder until throughly cover. Repeat the process

It's not difficult to make, but you have to deal with hot water, and hot dough :)

What I want to try now is eat this with ice cream hehehe...

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