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Hello! Welcome to my simple food blog. As the name implies, this blog is solely served as my repository on food. Desserts, home-made cooking, reviews both raves and rants, recipes, or whatever that I encounter :). Hope you enjoy your stay :) and if you feel like it or tried the recipe, do comment on it. Comments are loved ;).

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The 20SGD (19.50SGD to be exact) Rolled Cake

Well well, it's a slow weekend and my and daddy dearest just went to Orchard to waste time. Off course when you're in Orchard, you just have to venture to Isetan's basement (my sanctuary aside from Liang Court's Meidi-ya). This week, they're having Kyushu fair, which means all the stuff from Hakata are there for you to buy (the price are wow-ing though). Highlights are 26SGD strawberries (so glossy and hairless), Ume shiso hijiki for your onigiri for 13SGD in a small box (it's very very yummy if you like ume), handmade barley miso for about 13SGD per small box (I so wanted to get a box of this, but I scared it'll go wasted before I finish it), and off course the yummy fantastic fried small crabbies, shrimps, scallops, silver fishes and squids (each small box is 6SGD, I bought the fish before, it's sooo yum that I finished it at 1 go).

So, in the midst of those yummy stuff, I stumbled upon boxes of cakes... rolled cakes... they look oh so yummy (off course, what we're talking about here), and 1 pic catch my eyes... iron chef France (I always forget his name, but he'll be forever remembered as iron chef France). I didn't read what's on the board... too many letters, so I just asked the sales guy what's this n that, and which one is the best seller. Well, it's not that simple if you ask in Japanese (LOL). So, according to the sales, the grown ups love the green tea, children and ladies enjoy the chocolate, while overall best seller is the maple syrup, but if you want everybody to enjoy the cake, the plain is always the safest choice. And off course, I went home with the best seller, mapple syrup.

So, yeah, they always have to have the box. It's not as fancy as the boutique cakes that I had on my Japan trip, but taste matter more than the box, right?

Standard wrapping (ya, this is part of why it's 20SGD, LOL)

And now we have the main point, see those yellow square? It's purin!!! This is why I bought it in the first place hahaha... As usual, moist cake, neat cut, neat spread of fresh cream, love it!

Side profile...

On the plate, 1 more step to the mouth, and the verdict?

I have no regret spending 20SGD for this cake LOL, it's smooth, fluffy (as usual), can taste that there's no preservatives, fresh cream is not the kind that will make you lethargic after consumption, and it's not so sweet, the maple syrup is not overwhelming, just nice, the purin is not that firm as I thought, but I don't have coz you see the brown shade on one side of the square? They really use purin (their standard of creme caramel) as in complete w/ the caramel.

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