I usually see people using pickled bitter mustard for double boil soup with pork ribs. But the soup that I used to have during my childhood is not a double boil type, so it's much easier to make.
What you need:
1 pack 200g pickled bitter mustard
300 gr lean pork (healthier choice, can change this with pork ribs)
400 ml bonito stock
5 cloves of garlic
1.2L water
How to:
1. On the pot, saute garlic until fragrant, and add on pork.
2. When pork is half done, add on the pickles, stock and water
3. Leave it to simmer for about 40 minutes
4. If the soup is too tasty for your liking, add on water until you get the taste that you like
My favorite is to add on rice into the soup.